About Lilly & Vannah

Welcome to our ‘about me’ page!
We thought it would be fun to introduce ourselves to you. So here it is! For more facts about us go and check out our youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRt-7o3jNAw
Alright, now that you know some facts about us! Let’s get to the real work. We know each other since elementary school, as little girls we would be always be around each other together with another friend of ours and after school we would always go to each other’s houses until our parents were done working. Then we had to go to high school and grow up. We lost contact, we went to different school and went our own ways. It wasn’t up until a couple of months ago that we started talking more and more on twitter and we found a mutual interest. Our passion grew rapidly and before we both realized what was up we were back to being the best friends ever! We both wanted to start a YouTube channel, but being the cautious girls that we are we decided to start a channel together! And here we are, a channel, a blog and a twitter page later, we are very happy to be able to share our experience and knowledge with you guys!

A bit personal with Lilly (Lisa)

Okay so I (Lisa) was born on the 29th of June on a Caribbean island named Saint Martin. I lived there until I was 4 and then my parents decide to move to Holland where my older brother and sister were already studying! In those first few years of living in Holland I have transferred home’s and school’s twice. And at the second school is when I met Savannah! I think we kind of became friends due to some mutual friends we shared! And we were some really happy girls! It wasn’t until I was about to go to high school that I began to face the normal insecurities every teenager has. I tried to suppress those by “rebelling”. Read: I would dress in black, hide my body under huge clothing and listen to punk rock. I never really was a bad kid, as a matter of fact I was rather shy!  Then I got to my third year of high school and that’s when everything really came crashing down. It is thanks to my teacher and mentor from back then that I am the person I am today. We found a college I could go to (with my three years of high school) where I could build up my (designing) portfolio and work on my future. Best decision I have ever made. Thanks to this I have become a confident, outgoing girl who has found a great passion in creating things and working together with people. And that has been this way for the past three years. I am now 18 and I am very happy with the place I find myself in now, so much that I decided to share it with the world via YouTube! Together with Savannah I hope to put a smile on your face and learn life lessons together with you all! And who knows.. We might even be able to teach you guys a few things!

A bit personal with Vannah (Savannah)

I (Savannah) was born on March the 2nd in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I lived in Amsterdam for about 4 years, until we moved to the town/village we are living in today. After changing from elementary school for the third time, I finally got to a school I really loved and where I was happy. This happened to be the place where I first met Lisa! As she already wrote above, we were best friends but after elementary school we separated ways. My high school experience wasn’t exactly ‘a teenage dream’. Since I just recently graduated I still feel so horrible just from thinking about it. It’s not like I got bullied, thank goodness, but somehow I didn’t feel like I was at the right place. However, I honestly think that my high school experience helped me to become who I am today. It helped me to realize what I want to achieve in life. Despite of how I felt for the last 5 years, I managed to continue and get my high school diploma anyway. If I could go back in time, I would make the same decision, because this experience helped me to become ‘mature’ and to learn how to take care of myself. Right now I’m feeling so much better, I feel like I am finally at a place where I belong and where I can be myself without being judged. You might wonder what I am doing now? At the moment I’m studying European Studies, which is a very broad bachelor’s degree.  After I’ve got my bachelor I’d love to do a master’s degree to become a journalist. Since I was born and raised in The Netherlands, I’d love to just pack my bags after I graduate from university and leave to explore the world! Let’s be honest with you, that might not be ‘the world’, but I’d love to live in Barcelona or London! Since I am only  17 years old it won’t be happening very soon!  For now, I am so excited to become a ‘YouTuber’ and to share the ‘Lilly & Vannah’ experiences with the world!

So that’s a little flashback about childhood/early teens…
If you want to know even more about us, just let us know! We might do another video about ourselves or we could write another post with more information. But for now this is all!

We hope you enjoy watching our videos and reading our posts!


Lilly & Vannah 

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